Thursday 11 July 2013

Crush the doubt!

Greetings on Thursday!
Life’s journey can be described in many ways. One example can be to define it by aspirations and accomplishments over self-doubt. 
And so I relate a little personal story on one of my visits to Tenerife.
There I was driving up a steep and windy narrow road to the top of this mountain, wanting to get a perch at the top to take that elusive photo on a day where the light was slightly mysterious. I quickly found out as I nervously edged our way up the gorge in first gear that my vertigo was worse that day. It got so bad that I nearly got out the car and asked the wife to drive the rest of the way while I walked up. 
The end result was I made it to the top with a little coaching from my family and much self-affirmation.
The moral of the story is to make sure our self-doubts are smaller than our goals so that we can still live and enjoy our reality.

Here’s the picture I took, still shaking but not yet paralysed!

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