Friday, 12 July 2013

Woop woop it's Friday!

The great British Author H.G. Wells once said, “While there is a chance of the world getting through its troubles, I hold that a reasonable man has to behave as though he were sure of it. If at the end, your cheerfulness is not justified, at any rate you will have been cheerful”.

Looking around your local region there may be much to be worried about. But let’s remember that the way we view and perceive our surroundings can alter our reality.
And so like the British dude said, let’s be cheerful & behave that it will all turn out fine!
The fact that it’s Friday today also helps.

Let’s behave this way today and then again tomorrow and each day after.
I enclose an image I recorded in Spain along the side of the road which elaborates the point.

Feel free to leave a comment and then where in the world your at.
TGIF & best wishes for a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing picture Dave! And, kudos to you for noticing it!
